Creative Compassing gives you the tools, inspiration, and unparalleled support to establish and maintain a healing creative practice that attends to your stresses and emotions. This proven method uses art making to calm your body and ease your mind; meanwhile connecting you to your creativity in ways that leave you feeling uplifted, inspired, insightful and hopeful.

Creative Compassing is right for you if:

  • You're feeling lost, discouraged, or without a sense of direction in your relationships and/or career.
  • You have a strong sense that you're not aligned with your purpose or calling in life.
  • You know that you have a gift to share with others, but you're not sure what it is (and it hurts).
  • You know you're in your head too much, and it's crippling your ability to make decisions or perform well in school or work.

Creative Compassing is also a good fit if you want to:

  • Carve out time for your creativity for personal satisfaction and self-care;
  • Find more ways to keep your creativity productive, unblocked, and fresh;
  • Explore fun and easy tools for relaxation and improved work-life balance by making art.

If you relate to one or more of these....

Congratulations, You Are In The Right Place!

Creative Compassing is here to show you how to reconnect with--and trust--your creative source to be your guide.

​By the end of Creative Compassing, you will have experienced the deep satisfaction, calmness, clarity, and sense of ease that is delivered through an art-based mindfulness practice. More specifically, you will have:

  • Explored the link between creativity and the mind-body connection.
  • Experienced the benefits of using art materials strategically and prescriptively to deepen your insight and manage anxiety and stress.
  • Discovered the neuroscience behind art making, so you can engage in creative processes that target your intellectual, emotional and/or spiritual needs.
  • Established a custom, doable daily(ish) creative self-care practice that reflects your favorite creative activities, and can be accomplished in just minutes.

This is not a cookie-cutter or mundane daily journal ritual! Creative Compassing is a refreshing practice that reconnects you to your creativity in ways that honor it as a source of insight, integrity, and wisdom.

All levels, all creatives, beginners welcome.

Note: you will be routed to my app TRUE NATURED CREATIVES and be asked to log in to make a purchase. Creative Compassing is housed within the app.

What They're Saying

Creative Compassing gave me so many A-HA moments and insights into what I want to do with my career.
Jodi's program opened my life up to things that I never knew were possible.
I loved learning about art-making and the mind-body connection. It has made a real difference in how I respect both creativity and self-care.
I can finally give myself permission to take the time make art, because now I understand that it really does inform mental health and wellness....and it's not selfish to do the work.

Plain and simple: Creative Compassing is an essential component to self-care, stress reduction, and the satisfaction that you're living life as an expression of your creative true nature.

Note: you will be routed to my app TRUE NATURED CREATIVES and be asked to log in to make a purchase. Creative Compassing is housed within the app.

Success Stories

Here's what Jodi's students have experienced:

Testimonials are provided by permission. Student names are withheld to maintain privacy.

Note: you will be routed to my app TRUE NATURED CREATIVES and be asked to log in to make a purchase. Creative Compassing is housed within the app.

What's Inside Creative Compassing

Here's why it pays to learn from someone who's gone before you: I know exactly how painful it is to feel off the path, lost in the stress and pressures of daily life, and disconnected from the joy of creative self-expression.

I also know what it's like to live paycheck to paycheck (and on less than that). I want to make sure that your investment is packed with materials that are time-tested , efficient, and proven effective.

We'll set you up for success by exploring the important links between creativity and the mind-body connection, and how these inform your ability to manage stress, anxiety, challenges, change, decision making, and your sense of life's direction. Highlights include:

  • A Printable Practice Guide to jumpstart your creativity and guide you in getting clear on your intentions;
  • Four Easy-To-Follow Modules packed with easy-to-consume videos, and activities to help you gain clarity as you calm your body and mind;
  • Unique Art Prompts to help you further explore and understand each of the key concepts;
  • A Creative Compassing Roadmap to help you establish a unique creative practice that fits your life;


These bonuses will help you stay inspired once your creativity is ignited, and support you as you establish your practice:

These goodies are housed conveniently together within the True Natured Creatives app, a platform designed by Jodi with the specific intention of nurturing amazing creatives just like you as you learn how to activate your creativity to navigate and transform your life.

Note: you will be routed to my app TRUE NATURED CREATIVES and be asked to log in to make a purchase. Creative Compassing is housed within the app.

Let's Celebrate!

Inside Creative Compassing, you get:

All this. No risk. Guaranteed!

This Course Is Offered With A 14-Day Money Back Guarantee. Simply email within a week after the course begins, and you'll be refunded, no questions asked.

Note: you will be routed to my app TRUE NATURED CREATIVES and be asked to log in to make a purchase. Creative Compassing is housed within the app.

The Top Two Burning Q's your fellow Creatives asked before grabbing their access...

If you're thinking "this sounds amazing but I'm still not 100% sure," keep reading...

  1. Rekindle your creativity. You feel disconnected or blocked from it, and as a result you just don't feel like yourself right now.
  2. It's about time. You're ready to give yourself permission to carve out some time for YOU, because you know it's for your happiness and your mental health...and it helps you show up better for those you love.
  3. Take some necessary self-care. You know that with a nurturing creative practice, you'll feel more purposeful and productive in life and work.

Still Sitting On The Fence?

Creative Compassing is based on my expertise as an art therapist, national board certified counselor, and yoga teacher. It is a compilation of my most tried-and-true techniques, based on over two decades of deep healing work with creatives of all genres.

Additionally, Creative Compassing represents my own personal practice, one that has guided me from a life of crushing fear, worry, creative block and self-deprecation...not to mention working outside of my chosen creative career field...and into a thriving art business and recognition including Global Impact Artist and Empowered Woman of the Year by the International Association of Top Professionals.

Your course and bonuses will be delivered inside an easy-to-use platform that can be accessed from your computer, tablet or phone.

Note: you will be routed to my app TRUE NATURED CREATIVES and be asked to log in to make a purchase. Creative Compassing is housed within the app.

Creative Compassing Isn't Magic....

But once you learn how to engage your creativity in a contemplative daily(ish) practice, you'll be amazed by the results. You'll feel more intuitive, connected, and possibly even happier with yourself.

Just a few short years ago I was disconnected from my creativity and in a career that didn't fit. Now I'm a multi-award winning artist who was recently featured on a Times Square Billboard!

Here's a little insider's scoop: your artwork is generated from a part of your mind that is intuitive and symbolic. When you learn how to tap into your work to explore its wisdom (which is actually YOUR wisdom), it can truly change your life.

At the very least, you'll feel more attended-to, connected and rewarded.

Alongside a better sense of direction and connection with yourself, you can experience greater fulfillment as you deal with all that life throws at you....all through your favorite art form. I'm here to walk alongside you as you learn how to do this as a practice, every step of the way.

I can't wait to meet you, teach you, and cheer you on inside Creative Compassing!

ALL my best,