​Are you IN THE WAY of your own progress…but not sure why? The True Natured Challenge will illuminate your blind spots so you can stop staying small. Let me tell you more:

It's time to face the bull: you are NOT the stories that you hold of yourself in your head.

Let’s be honest:

You’re your own worst enemy. You say things to yourself that you would never say to another person. You hold beliefs about yourself that would seem absurd if you heard them voiced by someone else about themselves.

Unconsciously, you hold these as your truths.

Some of your thought patterns are so ingrained that you don’t even realize that you have them. They are that instilled in your belief system.

What if you let go of the limiting beliefs that don’t serve you?

What would you physically feel like if you could quiet the inner critic and become more self-accepting? What heights could you achieve if you stopped judging and getting in the way of yourself?

It’s time to let go of what limits you.

The True Natured Challenge is a six week group coaching course devoted to identifying and releasing those negative thought- and belief systems. Simultaneously, you’ll focus on the picture of the life that you want for yourself…and you’ll develop a roadmap to get there.

All levels, all creatives, beginners welcome.

The True Natured Challenge is right for you if:

  • You're feeling lost, discouraged, or without a sense of direction in your relationships and/or career.
  • You have a strong sense that you're not aligned with your purpose or calling in life.
  • You know that you have a gift to share with others, but you're not sure what it is (and that hurts).
  • You know you're in your head too much, and it's crippling your ability to make decisions or perform well in school or work.

The True Natured Challenge is also a good fit if you want to:

  • Carve out time for your creativity for personal satisfaction and self-care;
  • Find more ways to keep your creativity productive, unblocked, and fresh;
  • Redefine your relationship to your creativity, and what you define as "successful" when it comes to making art.

If you relate to one or more of these....

Congratulations, You Are In The Right Place!

The True Natured Challenge is here to show you how to heal your inner creative muse(s), and trust your creative source to be your guide.

Portions of the True Natured Challenge have been presented at Universities and organizations across the US.

What They're Saying

I was in a tailspin when I started working with Jodi. I wasn't sure my business was headed in the right direction, and I felt disconnected from the artist part of myself. I dreaded the future. By the end of the program, I had a clear picture of where I want to be, and realized I'm much closer to my goals than I thought. Now, the future is more hopeful, and I feel comfortable about my path to getting there. -K, student
During the True Natured Challenge, I realized that I held several creative traumas stemming from high school. Once I understood what they were, it was simple to start healing my inner creative muse. I don't feel like I'm fighting with myself so much anymore, and in my writing, I'm much more productive. -L, Student
When I retired, I found myself at a loss: how would I define myself now that I'm no longer an educator? I wanted to pursue my art, but my inner critic was LOUD, and shut me down. Making art was NOT rewarding--it felt awful! During the True Natured Challenge, I identified where that critical voice came from. I was able to start healing my inner child. By week three of the program, I felt like I had accomplished more than fourteen years of talk therapy. Today, my husband is building me a studio, and I have the self-worth and the creative freedom to truly embrace my future as an artist. D, Student

Plain and simple: The True Natured Challenge is an essential component to nurturing greater self-love, true self-acceptance, and a healing connection to your creative spirit.

Testimonials are provided by permission. Student names are withheld to maintain privacy.

Experience Game-Changing Results.

What's Inside The True Natured Challenge

Here's why it pays to learn from someone who's gone before you: I know exactly how painful it is to feel off the path, lost in the stress and pressures of daily life, and disconnected from the joy of creative self-expression.

I also know what it's like to live paycheck to paycheck (and on less than that). I want to make sure that your investment is packed with materials that are time-tested , efficient, and proven effective.

That's why you'll be staged for success as you move through an evidence-based framework informed by art therapy and positive psychology. Highlights include:

  • Six weeks of group coaching for accountability and support (Value, $1080)
  • Two private sessions (Value, $240)
  • A 30-Page Printable Practice Guide to support your progress (Value, $47);
  • Lifetime access to the course materials, housed in a convenient platform that you can use from any phone or device.


These bonuses will help you establish a strong foundation for a nourishing creative practice:

That's a value of $1464, PLUS YOU'LL RECEIVE:

Creative Compassing is a self-paced program designed to support you as you establish a healing art-based mindfulness practice. Value: $147

You'll receive lifetime access to:

  • Four easy-to-digest modules, with over twenty brief videos;
  • Intention-setting guide;
  • Over 30 pages of practice guides;
  • Over ten art prompts;
  • Creative Compassing roadmap.

This is a total value of over $1611...

Offered at the following Founding Member rates:

Note: you will be routed to my app TRUE NATURED CREATIVES and be asked to log in to make a purchase. Creative Compassing is housed within the app.

Success Stories

With the heavy lifting of inner critic work completed, here's what Jodi's students have experienced:

Be the Next Success Story.

Note: you will be routed to my app TRUE NATURED CREATIVES and be asked to log in to make a purchase. Creative Compassing is housed within the app.

Let's Celebrate!

Inside the True Natured Challenge, you get:

All this. No risk. Guaranteed!

This Package Is Offered With A 14-Day Money Back Guarantee. Simply email within two weeks after the course begins, and you'll be refunded, no questions asked.

Note: you will be routed to my app TRUE NATURED CREATIVES and be asked to log in to make a purchase. Creative Compassing is housed within the app.

The Top Two Burning Q's your fellow Creatives asked before grabbing their access...

If you're thinking "this sounds amazing but I'm still not 100% sure," keep reading...

  1. Rekindle your creativity. You feel disconnected or blocked from it, and as a result you just don't feel like yourself right now.
  2. It's about time. You're ready to give yourself permission to carve out some time for YOU, because you know it's for your happiness and your mental health...and it helps you show up better in life and work.
  3. You're ready and willing. You know that with a nurturing creative practice, you'll feel more purposeful and productive.

Still Sitting On The Fence?

The True Natured Challenge is based on my expertise as an art therapist, national board certified counselor, and yoga teacher. It is a compilation of my most tried-and-true techniques, based on over two decades of deep healing work with creatives of all genres.

Additionally, the True Natured Challenge represents my own personal practice, one that has guided me from a life of crushing fear, worry, creative block and self-deprecation...not to mention working outside of my chosen creative career field...and into a thriving art business and recognition including Global Impact Artist and Empowered Woman of the Year by the International Association of Top Professionals.

Your course and bonuses will be delivered inside an easy-to-use platform that can be accessed from your computer, tablet or phone.

Note: you will be routed to my app TRUE NATURED CREATIVES and be asked to log in to make a purchase. Creative Compassing is housed within the app.

The True Natured Challenge Isn't Magic....

But once you learn how to activate your creativity through the lens of art therapy, you'll be amazed by the results. You'll feel more intuitive, connected, and self-accepting.

Just a few short years ago I was disconnected from my creativity and in a career that didn't fit. Now I'm a multi-award winning artist who was recently featured on a Times Square Billboard!

Here's a little insider's scoop: your artwork is generated from a part of your mind that is intuitive and symbolic. When you learn how to tap into your work to explore its wisdom (which is actually YOUR wisdom), it can truly change your life.

At the very least, you'll feel more attended-to, connected and rewarded.

Meanwhile, you're going to depersonalize all those unhelpful stories that are bouncing around in your head, holding back. You'll come to deeply recognize that those stories are not you and you'll learn how to untangle from their hold.

Then, alongside a better sense of direction and connection with yourself, you will experience greater ease and fulfillment as you move forward.

I'm here to walk alongside you as you do this work, every step of the way.

I can't wait to meet you, teach you, and cheer you on inside the True Natured Challenge!

ALL my best,